Single Sitting Degree

Single sitting degree
It is repeatedly whispered that, 'Knowledge is power'. Even though there has always been argue on this matter, the importance of education cannot be denied. In developing countries, education is treated as means to lighten poverty and engineer social change. It isn't a magic pill for answer all the problems. But it can definitely be a ladder to climb out of poverty, exclusion, ignorance, oppression. Present education system is like Horses climbing a tree. Present education system is not designed to understand the students taste or capabilities it’s simply putting lot of loads and beating the horse to climb the tree. This all things creates lot of collage drop outs per year. . .

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Why Have Single Sitting Degrees been Discontinued?

In India, a three-year bachelor's degree/PG has become the recognized standard. In order to complete a three-year bachelor's degree/PG program, students must study at least 15-20 different subjects and pass a comprehensive exam in each subject. A thesis project in the student's major area of study must be completed by the end of the third year of study. In contrast, a single sitting degree must either make an attempt at a program curriculum that includes each of these 12 subjects in just a year, or must compromise degree requirements by teaching fewer subjects or watering down the exit exams. Neither of these options is considered an acceptable alternative, leading to the discontinuation of single sitting degree programs.

Is this certificate valid one for Promotion and Visa operation?

This will be valid for Embassy attestation too, but have to check with the provider it gives, SSD offers the embassy certified courses. In the case of UGC approval, it has to check with the courses you are opting with.